I wrote this article in December 2004 for the Athens State University newspaper The Athenian. At the time I had never seen a white Christmas. I finally saw one in 2010.
I love the thought of an old-fashioned Christmas with a big tree and handmade ornaments. A real tree that someone has cut. Sure, they are a little messier but they are beautiful.
When I think of Christmas, I think of snow. Although I have never actually been lucky enough to see a white Christmas, I’ve heard people tell of them. They sound glorious and so romantic, sitting around the fireplace with loved ones telling stories and singing carols.
Long ago men would go out into the woods and cut a tree. They would bring it home for the kids to decorate. The mothers made most of the ornaments and decorations by hand.
Today everything comes in a box at Walmart. You can buy trees that don’t require ornaments or decorations. You can even buy a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings prepared, prepackaged and priced according to size.
Back when our grandparents were children, women would bake for days in anticipation of a big family gathering. Times have changed. Most parents are divorced and the kids are shuttled back and forth between families, so that no one enjoys it.
Not many people take time for Christmas anymore. After you grow up, it’s as though someone let the air out of Christmas. It just isn’t magical.
Nonetheless, I would still like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.
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